Amphora – Vessels and Appliances Software

Amphora – Vessels and Appliances Software

Amphora is a state of art solution for the vessels and Appliances showrooms. It is loaded with tons of features to meet the native complexities of this business. Dealing with Piece to Piece sales, Weight to Weight Sales and Weight to Piece Sales are handles very effectively in a simple manor. Amphora is designed to face the customers at sales counter with ultra speed billing. Lot of Technologically advanced features are implemented in Amphora.

To list few of the features available in Amphora are Multiple godown management, Searial Number based inventory for Appliances, Rack identification for inventory, Seasonal Discounts configuration, Jobcard management for Service of Appliances, Exchange Scheme, Bundle offers management, Customer points, Scrap Inventory, Multiple Supplier Item mapping, etc.
